10  - Figure and Portrait Anatomy

    A look at the fundamental and universal shapes, proportion, and function of the human body.



    Alternatively you may use the following website for this exercise.

    Remember to follow any rules of the site. 

    Recommended Settings: Nude and Both Genders

    Here we will look at the basic and detailed shapes, operations, and the machine of the human body

    For these pieces you may use your own figure references.

    Materials: Charcoal, Charcoal Powder, Kneaded Eraser, Gum Erasser, Chamois Cloth

    Alternative materials: Graphite, Paper Towel, or whatever medium you have.


    1 - Brief Review of the Shapes of the Body


    • Setup the materials above
    • Set up a figure or figure image reference

    Duration: 10 minutes

    • Review of the simple shapes of the human body and their associated planes
    • The Spine and it's functions and effects on the basic shapes of the human form

    Box Figures: 4 Drawings 3 min/drawing

    1. Identify the head, ribcage, and pelvis as large basic shapes. Recognize the tilt, pan, and pitch of the body parts and it's relationship in connection with the spine
    2. Represent the above as basic shapes in a quick figure drawing



    2 - The Spine/Skeleton

    Materials: Same as Above

    Duration: 65 minutes

    An overview of the spine and other bones of the skeleton in detail


    3 - The Muscles

    Materials: Same as Above

    Duration: 65 minutes

    A detailed overview of the muscle groups of the human body and it's combined functions and interactions. A connection the the figure with gesture will be established followed by a series of gesture drawings

    Submit for Critique

    If you did not use the same reference we did on the stream, submit your picture. Include your Twitch name if you do this exercise on a different day after the stream as critiques will be exchanged for !Kokos. If you used a stock photo from a DeviantArt page be kind enough to drop them a link of what you did! Follow their Stock Rules.

    Submit via Google Forms



    Submit in #drawing_lessons on Discord